Backstage with Tatianna Lavin the baddest female photographer in the biz, Queen of the Cameras published photographer and CEO of TLGlam Studios. Tatianna was born in Los Angeles, raised in Carson and currently resides in Long Beach Ca, she's a fast rising celebrity most sort out female photographer and has lots of her works published on magazines like ASIS, 50Fifty magazine, Sweets Magazine, tearsheet magazine, titanium girlz magazine, skintones magazines, straight stuntin' , Urban Ink and has worked with VH1 celebs like Cali, Cornfed, Danger and also Nia Riley and Tosha Lewis. As a child i loved to draw and write, have always been a creative person; going into photography was spontaneous decision, i was very obsessed with capturing memories. I'm an eyecandy photographer but its not that assets that attract me to this genre, its the beauty and the creation process, the transformation, its like painting a picture with light and life - She says. Well i can say she doesn't just captures memories but also hearts... I got me self some lighting, shades and retouching skills from her, which she talked a lot about openly...we had a lovely chat, and here is what she had to say...

UVB: Tell us about yourself? Where you from originally? And what was it
like growing up in your neighborhood?
Tatianna: My name is Tatianna Lavin, born in Los Angeles, CA, raised in Carson, CA
Lets see, at age 4 my mom lost custody of me & my siblings & we were placed in foster care. It was very hard growing up because I was different, I got picked on a lot because I was mixed & didn't look it... Even though I had a rough childhood, there really was a blessing in being different cause I learned at an early age what is was to break down many barriers.
UVB: What made you choose photography, design and just the arts as a
field in general, where you always into capturing things visually? And
how did you get started in photography? Did you have formal training
or self taught?
Tatianna: Going into photography was a spontaneous decision of mine, I would say I was very obsessed with capturing memories, I think it was because I didn't have many childhood photos, I saw power in capturing images. I attended some classes for photography & still do so yes I am & was formally trained in photography. I learned photo retouching online & studio lighting thru trial & error along with the advice of more knowledgeable photographers.
UVB: When did you discover the creative side of yourself and realize
you wanted to turn your talent into a business?
Tatianna: As a child I loved to draw & write, I would say I have always been a creative person. I am a hustler by nature, I haven't had a 9-5 since I was a teen, So I naturally saw photography as a financial gain.

UVB: Some say, its all in the name so what's the meaning behind the
name TL Glam Studio?
Tatianna: My birth name is Tatianna Lavin, hence the initials TL & Glam Studio is because "Glam" is what I am about. Every woman wants to feel glamorous.
UVB: Is TL Glam studio a one woman operation or is there a team behind
the success?
Tatianna: TL Glam Studio is definitely a 1 woman show, but I do have a fabulous team... I am very particular on who I involve in my creative process. I have 1 makeup artist that I prefer Babrie Espinosa.
UVB: What has been the most difficult part about making TL Glam Studio successful?
Tatianna: I would say the difficult part is competing with the sharks lol, there are new photographers picking up cameras every day & a new girl turns 21 everyday but not everyone has the "IT FACTOR" its all about getting noticed & waiting, for me the waiting game is the hard part... I can get very anxious.
UVB: What attracts you to being a photographer?
Tatianna: I am a eye candy photographer, but its not that assets that attract me to this genre, its the beauty & the creation process, the transformation, its like painting a picture with light & life. Can you tell I really love what I do?

UVB: Yeah Mos definitelly, so where do you get your inspiration do you just experiment? Does it just come to you naturally? Or you just let the model pick they own pose?
Tatianna: Inspiration come from the models definitely, I often let them do their thing & if I see them struggling I will assist with the poses. I must admit that I get my inspiration from other photographers sometimes novice & sometimes experienced, I am always trying new things with lighting & experimenting you cant be afraid to try new things, if you don't try you never know your full potential, to this day I am still shocked at some of the images I create.
UVB: As a photographer when you're looking for a model to shoot, what attributes do you look at first?
Tatianna: Just because a girl is pretty doesn't make them a model, sometimes that "odd" beauty can translate & be more photogenic... I look at a models energy & style, how they keep their self up, wardrobe, hair all that I am very detail oriented when it comes to "choosing" a model.
UVB: How would you describe what you're looking for from behind the camera, are you shooting what a woman would find beautiful or what man would find sexy?
Tatianna: Well I am very fortunate to see it from both perspectives, I like to look at the overall picture, what is appealing to a woman, because the model is my # 1 critic, models judge themselves harder than men judge them, so how the model feels about herself is most important. Then I look at what the man is seeing because the men take up the vast majority of the models fan base.
UVB: In a photo shoot what features of the model and background do you love to accentuate more?
Tatianna: Each model has there own qualities that stand out, each different but the most important thing along with the body is the face, hair, makeup & wardrobe have to be on point. When choosing a background I like to sometimes do a contrast of colors or edge & sensuality.

UVB: What's the difference between a photo of a sexy girl and a sexy photo of a girl?
Tatianna: LOL, the difference a photo of a sexy girl & a sexy photo of a girl... to me the photo of a sexy girl is all about "the girl" when you see the photo your eyes cant help but got to her, & a a sexy photo of a girl... that photo is all about every thing, that photo photo is entices the senses, you want to know more, when you look at it you cant help but look.
UVB:As a photographer, how do you get a model that is new to warm up, Do you pose your models or allow them to move freely on they own?
Tatianna: Usually my makeup artist is very good at talking to the model when shes getting her hair done, I usually will show books or magazines or talk to the girl, I talk to the girls as well, most models love me because I am very laid back & chill...
UVB: Do you find models are more comfortable with you because your a woman and more open to understanding how she is feeling or what she might be self conscious about?
Tatianna: Definately.
UVB: What is your process when you prepare for a shoot? Do you consult with the model, make artist, hair or wardrobe stylist or do you just
show up for the shoot ready to create some sexy kodak moments?
Tatianna: Usually the models will ask my advice on looks & what not, but mostly we do a mini consultation right before shooting.

UVB: Are you self taught in studio lighting and photo shop or did you attend any special classes?
Tatianna: Self taught as stated before hand.
UVB: When it comes to lighting Hard or soft how do you know which would make a perfect fitting for a photo shoot? Does the environment play big importance in the choice of lighting to use?
Tatianna: The models body type & complexion plays a big factor in choosing the lighting.
UVB: Some artists seem to be afraid to shoot women of color in bright hues. Usually sexy is associated with dark, mysterious color but i notice you also experiment with some bold colors in your port; what's your motivation?
Tatianna: I like to stand out... You have to stand out to be noticed

UVB: Your pictures are very naturalistic, in some cases plain by today's photo shop-happy standards. Does your use of natural light and minimal retouching say anything about what you find sexy?
Tatianna: When creating the final photo, I like to draw attention to what is the models best features... get rid of the imperfections that's it... When a model shows up to a casting with my photo she gets the job, so I've been told :)
UVB: What's the sexiest shoot you have had, most fun shooting?
Tatianna: I have the most fun shooting Ellesse Danielle, she is so sweet, down to earth & we laugh like little kids, Keani Cochelle is also a fun girl, I love her as well. Tosha Riea, has to be my sexiest girl she just sweat sex appeal, but my sexiest shoot to date probably has to be Tosha's shower pix.
UVB: Do you have a favorite model(s) or celeb(s) you love to shoot with?
Tatianna: My favorite model, I don't know that's a hard one, ask me who my least favorite is LOL, just kidding... I love them all....!
UVB: Have you ever shot male models? If so, do you find you take a different approach to they body?
Tatianna: I shoot male models on occasions & it is a struggle only because I cant post them.
UVB: Ever had a photographer's block, if yes, how did you get over it and get back on your grind?
Tatianna: Nope, I lose sleep over photo shoot concepts, I am up late looking at photography & reading tutorials & studying lighting & techniques.

UVB: Some of your credits include working with magazines such as 50fifty magazine, tearsheet magazine, Titanium girls magazine,Skintones magazine, Straight stuntin, ASIS, Urban Ink, sweets magazine; and have also worked with vh1's reality tv stars Cali, CornFed, Danger, Nia Riley, Tosha Lewis. What other recent work have you done? And what more projects should your fans and the readers be expecting from TLGlam Studio for 2012?
Tatianna: Recently I shot for Straight Stuntin & Sweets this was huge for me. I shot the whole calender for Erica Lynne for World Star Hip Hop, I also did my own calendar this year for the 1st time. I look forward to shooting 1 next year as well.
UVB: For bookings and rate info, how can you be contacted?
Tatianna lavin: Twitter.com/TLGlamStudio, www.tlglamstudio.com, facebook.com/TLGlamStudio
UVB: Where can the readers connect with you online to see your previous works?
Tatianna: www.tlglamstudio.com
ASIS Magazine Featuring Kendall Bruton Courtesy of TLGlam Studio |
ASIS Magazine Featuring Rose Royce Courtesy of TLGlam Studio |
Titanium girlz magazine cover featuring Nia Riley Courtesy of TLGlam Studio |
sneak peak of Tatianna lavin photoshoot for 50fifty magazine featuring Rose Royce |
sneak peak of Tatianna lavin photoshoot for 50fifty magazine featuring Kendall Bruton |
sneak peak of Tatianna lavin photoshoot for 50fifty magazine featuring Britney leigh |
Salute Ma, good looking out thanks for taking out time out of your busy schedule to do this lovely interview with us.
Interview done by Dani Reidd
Photos courtesy of TLGlam Studio
For inquiries, submissions, features and interviews contact us @ urbanvixenzblogzine@yahoo.com
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