Shay Monet is an haitian American from Boston. Shay Monet is one of the few realest peoples i have had the priviledge of chatting with lately. She's all sweet haribo chocolate, hard caramel toffee with milk chocolate on the inside and highly motivated. Shay Monet took her claim to modeling in 2010 and has been seen on music videos for some of the local artists in Boston, the likes of Byggz Hustlemen - Freak music video, Raymon Jamez Ft Mike Anthonii - Proskillz and Ernest Efficial Dudley - i love you coming soon. The world is probably on the brink of discovering the next world wonder so look out for this star on the rise..
Hey, its good to have you with us again. Whats been happening since our previous blog feature with you?
I've been working on few upcoming projects such as shoots and my eyecandy videos, networking with many people around the world. I also am working on getting my site up as well.
Sorry that i got to ask the obvious question, just for the benefits of the readers could you tell us about yourself? Where you from originally and what was it like growing up in your neighborhood?
I go by the name Shay Monet', Im Haitian-American and from Boston, MA. I live in Mattapan which is located in Boston. Boston is a pretty small place everyone somehow is connected. Either people know you, heard of you etc. It reminds me of a very small version of NYC
What's the best trait about you? And how would you best describe your personality?
My best trait is I'm flexible, I make the worst situation into something better. I try not to be bothered by any situation especially if i received bad news. I always try to make a bad situation beneficial at all times. It just makes me more motivated and make me have more ambition to get to where I want to be.
Best way to describe my personality is i'm open-minded, strong-will, funny, and a sweetheart.
What's the biggest misconception about you?
People think I'm a porn star, stuck-up. People also feel as though as I'm not to doing anything positive or I'm not going to make it.
What's one thing you can't go through the day without? And when you not in front of the cameras working a shoot or a scene, what do you do to stay relaxed or busy?
My iphone 4 ..kind of my second life lol, I normally infront of my laptop networking and promoting myself.
What do you think your best physical feature(s) is? And what features do you like to show off?
My body is my best feature. I like to show off my chest.
What's the sexiest outfit you will wear in public?
I wore a black dress to a club, the whole sides were cut off. Im not talking see through. I mean literally you can see my sides. So I guess you can say something like that. Iol

What's the first thing men or women compliment you for when you strutting your booty down the curbs? And what part of your body do you think gets more attention from guys?
From both men and women, I will say my hair. I will say my face catches the guys attention and they work their eyes down lol
Lol they had be blind not to...What's the craziest thing a fan has done to try to get your attention? And what's the best way to get your attention?
The craziest thing I would say is somehow a fan followed me home and was like ..your Shay Monet' from fb. etc. Dude really followed me home. There's no best way to approach me really, I guess it depends on how I'm feeling and where my minds at.
A man would impress you if? And what's the simplest thing that can make you happy
His effort was at 100% . The simplest thing that can make me happy is being able to be real on how you really feel and your intentions.
What's your philosophy on life, love, sex and relationship?
Life shouldn't be taken too serious where your upset to the point to do something you can regret..we all are temporary in life.
Love just happens, so don't look for it and it can break you and make you depending on you. Sex is one of the dominant keys in life. Relationship is
What's your definition of a healthy relationship? And when it comes to relationships whats one thing you had wish your man would pay attention to?
A healthy relationship is being the same person they met because thats who they like or fell in love with, dont change yourself in a relationship with exceptions of the rules of being in a relationship. One thing I wished he paid attention to was my feelings.
A Lil word association game, say the first thing that comes to
mind, Try not to stare at?
me too much lol
Something cool about having boobs?
It can be used as a powerful tool lol

I am too sexy for my?
Favorite lingerie?
anything with garters and thigh high stockings ;)
My most recent wardrobe malfunction was?
I went to a video shoot with a one piece and forgot my bottoms, its always good to bring more than one outfit.
My secret weapon is?
It's a secret for a reason lol
Favorite drink?
Barcadi Hurricane
If i could have a tattoo now, it would be?
Symbolizing my paths and choices I have made
I am completely freaked out about?
Losing someone
Is you single or taken! If taken how does your man handle the
attention you get from the entertainment industry? And if not what
attributes and features do you look for in man?
Im single.
Do you consider yourself a very sexual person? When it comes to
sex are you more into the hot steamy sweaty hard and nice or your more
into cuddles and kisses?
Yes i am very sexual. I'm into both..it has to be both!
Bedroom fantasies, kinks, fetish, turn ons, turn offs. And
what's your most important rule(s) of bedroom etiquette?
He has to be clean! Shower before hand is always best lol
Turn offs, someone who's quick and doesn't take his time. I dont have fantasies I make them reality
When, why and how did you get into modeling? And when did you
start seeing it as less of a hobby and more of a profession?
I started taking it serious a few months ago. Two years ago I did it for fun. But I have set goals and plans for myself and thats how I made it more of my profession.
What was your experience like on your first shoot?
I was nervous in a room with a photographer who I just met, you can't trust to many people in the industry.
People tend to think modeling is all abc, but they never
recognize the blood, sweat, tears and work put into it to reach the
desired results. Can you tell us some of the challenging moments and
how do you keep your grind on point?
My challenging moments were the negative comments or feedbacks I read or someone tells me. Imagine you doing something and all someone can do is hate. But that keeps me grinding even more, you know. How many of these people can say there doing something they love and getting paid well for it.
You have been seen on Byggz Hustlemen's freak music video, Raymon
Jamez Ft Mike Anthonii's Proskillz music video. What other projects
have you been a part of?
I worked with a group called The Brand on there single D&H. Also with another artist Efficial Dudley. This month is going to be even bigger, alot of things are in the works!
Some models tend to do breathing exercises before a shoot, some
other watch their diets week before and some others are just always
camera ready. Do you sorta like have a special routine or it just
comes all natural?
I watch what I eat a few days before

Where can readers connects with you online to get constant
updates about you?
Well you can like my fb fan page and Im always in the works of my site. facebook.com/missshaymonet and monetshay.com
For bookings, features and appearances how can you be contacted?
Final word(s) for your fans.
Thanks for all the support I love you guys and to the haters your my #1 fan lol
Look out for more!!
Thanks for all the support I love you guys and to the haters your my #1 fan lol Look out for more!!
Interview by Dani Reid
Posted by Jessica Floyd
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