At dah altar of Lady Chanel, reading from the books of Tiffany Patterson
Tiffany Patterson popularly known as Lady Chanel, the 5' 1" 123 lbs eyecandy model talked about her growing up. She says " I am from a small city in the state of Florida, Deerfield beach my family moved to Pompano Beach and when i was old enough i moved to Fort Lauderdale Florida which is only 15 minutes away from miami. Growing up in both DeerField and Pompano was no easy task with the cities being so small everyone knew everyone and if you were not popular you had no life...lol my parents always kept me very busy growing up i was a cheerleader all of my life up to college and ran track as well attended church sunday through sunday ugh...but i wouldn't change any of it for the world".
Some people got dreams but they just too lazy to turn those visions into reality, but can't say the same about Lady Chanel she has always strived to be a trendsetter, always staying out of that box and standing out. Modeling was never her dream, it just took a shoot and the dream was implanted and the vision was born.
She says "modeling is something i stumbled into. It was never my dream growing up as a little girl. I was at my homeboy's studio one day who just happened to be a photographer, who dared me to shoot a couple of shots...i did and fell in love with the image i saw and i have been hooked ever since. That was back in 2009 who would have thought...lol.
She also talked about her experience on her first shoot and how grown she's gotten since then. We went on to ask - What was your first big break? And would you say that has gone a long way to creating a better platform for you in the industry?
And she said " My big first break would be when i shot for Black Men Magazine which i still promote till this day. From that point on i knew i made the right decision and was heading in the right direction.
Miss Chanel also adds that there is nothing glitz and glamourous about the modeling industry except for the photo, the hardwork and grind that goes into creating that 1 right photo is just the beginning because now that you have this master piece, you have to work hard to get it in the right hands of those who are willing to pay to see more. That's why i sometimes laugh and feel sorry for those "facebook, twitter and now instagram want to be models" for they do not understand the full picture of this industry. There's more to modeling then just being on the scenes and partying. There's 2% chance of being "DISCOVERED" on a social network you must grind hard to get your name and your face out there in the right circle of people to get "DISCOVERED". By doing this you not only create a name but you are creating a brand which is not temporary like looks are, brand is like a seed that grows into a tree full of leaves and those leaves represents the different businesses you can own or have partnerships that create long term moola is what i call it"
She also went on to lay down more advice for aspiring models saying " Learn as much as possible and set standards for your career, know exactly how far you want to go and don't let anyone tell you NO"
We also got her to talk about her sex life, sorry fellas she's taken. She got to tell us about her kinks, fetishes, bedroom turn ons and turn offs, when we asked she said "Ooohhhh....this one gave me the chills for i love my hair to be pulled, thrown on the bed, ass smacked and i definitely love role playing but i hate a man who is afraid to take control or not give head......where they do that at it's 2012 step up or get out...lol."
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Posted by Media Clown
Photography by @MrMyimages