Tanieka Mcfarland who is popularily known as "TheRealeyecandi" is born and raised in Raleigh NC, The 27 year old beauty was introduced into the modeling industry since 2008 by Dime piece Entertainment group. But she's currently an exclusive member for Fleet Models, Tanieka is easy going, fun to work and eludes alot of swag. Need i say that, when i say swag i mean she's got that wake and bake attitude, lovely personality and very passionate about her work. "Modeling is my passion and i take it seriously, i am not stopping until am on website in every state my face and will be known outside of NC", She says. Tanieka is always highly motivated to be the best at what she does, "I want to be an household name, own a boutique and start my own agency" she says. She has quite some really pretty accomplishments under her belt, she has been a part of many projects taking the world one photoshoot at a time. That's all you need to know, isn't it? Nah you so wrong...sit back, grab a bowl of popcorn and relax. We ain't half way done, we had a chance to caught up and here's all that went down...
UVB: Hello Candi?
Candi: Hello :)
UVB: Thanks for taking time out to do this feature with us, so how are you doing?
Candi: Oh no thank you! I am doing fantastic :)
UVB: Tell us about yourself? Where you from originally, and what was it like growing up in your neigborhood?
Candi: I am originally from Raleigh NC and growing up in my neighborhood was no different from any other neighborhood really.
UVB: Whats the best traits about you? And describe your personality in five words?
Candi: My best trait is my personality...fun,loving,down to earth,loyal,humble
UVB: What kind of candy would say best describes you and why?
Candi: Hmmmm good question....hershey chocolate because once u have a taste you are addicted

UVB: Whats the biggest misconception about you?
Candi: Omg more than one lol but that I am stuck up smh
UVB: Whats one thing you couldn't go through a day without?
Candi: My phone lol definitely
UVB: What do you think is your best physical feature(s) is? And what physical features do you like to show off?
Candi: My lips and butt and I love to show them off as well as my legs
UVB: When you not in front of the cameras, lights and action or when you not working
gigs...What do you do to stay busy or relaxed?
Candi: I am constantly trying to perfect my craft and spend time with fam and close friends
UVB: Whats the sexiest outfit you will wear in public?
Candi: lol wow Ummm a sexy corset and booty shorts now that's hott!!

UVB: Whats the first thing men or women compliment you for when you strutting your booty down the curbs? What part of your body do you think get more attention from guys?
Candi: I am always complimented on how beautiful and how sexy I am...I think the fellas love my little big butt lmao
UVB: Whats the craziest thing a fan has done to try to get your attention?
Candi; Omg I get crazy things all the time but posted on my fb wall some nonsense about leaving his boxers at my house sorry that just comes to mind
UVB: Lol...the hell, that's definitely crazy.
UVB: A man would impress you if? And whats the simplest thing that can make you happy?
Candi: He can impress me by being 110% honest and real and the simplest thing is just send me a GM text :)
UVB: A man would disappoint you if?
Candi: If he LIES because I am a woman who loves to be told the truth even if it hurts I am built Ford tough believe that.

UVB: On a scale of 1 to 20 what would you rate your freak mode?
Candi: 50 :) lol
UVB: Oh my, thats off the scale lol.
UVB: Tell us the wildest place you ever done the "wild thing"?
Candi: Hmm the hospital "don't judge me lol"
UVB: Is you single or taken? If taken how does your man handle the attention you getting from the entertainment industry?
Candi: Single as a dollar bill!!
UVB: Do you consider yourself a very sexual person? When it comes to sex are you the pin me up against the wall-laid back kinda girl or cuff him against the bed-dictating the pace kinda girl?
Candi: I am VERY sexual...I love my boo to be aggressive and spontaneous but not too rough
UVB: Bedroom fantasies, turn on and turn offs? And whats your most important rule(s) of bedroom etiquette?
Candi: Hmmm I really want to perform on a pole in my room for my man like roleplay....taking control turns me on turn off poor hygiene lmao hmmm most important rule not sure

UVB: When and why did you decide to pick up modeling? And when did you start to see modeling less of a hobby and more of a profession?
Candi: I was always told I should and it became serious I would say 2008
UVB: What was your experience like on your first shoot?
Candi: Horrible!! Lol smh
UVB: Would you say you have made your first big break yet? And if so would say it has created a better platform for you as a model? And if not what would you forsee as your big first break?
Candi: Ummm I have definitely made major moves that are helping me reach my goals but that big break would be getting published in a major men's magazine *wink*
UVB: People tend to think modeling is all ABC, but never see the hardwork, blood, sweat and tears put into it to get the desirable end result? Can you tell us some of your challenging moments and how do you keep your grind on point?
Candi: Oh yes most definitely it isn't as easy as it seems umm challenging moments like making sure you stand out from the others because their are billons of urban models but being that I am very confident I stay focus and studying my craft
UVB: Congratulations on scoring a role on Seneca's undead upcoming movie along side model Lala Dickson and others...Whats your relationship like with the other cast and crew members?
Candi: Well unfortunately due to work I couldn't make it so uh yea lol

UVB: I hear it has an amazing storyline and the writer Paul Brooks is a very creative director can't wait to see the movie. In the meantime would you mind telling us about the storyline?
Candi: Well even though I didn't make it there it was a great storyline
UVB: On your bio it says that you were introduced into modeling by Dime Piece entertainment and now you an exclusive member of Fleet models...What influenced you to make a career move like that? And how would you say this has helped you in your career in the terms of exposure and popularity?
Candi: Oh Wow first off S/O to my Fleet Djs and Fleet Models fam!! But yes Dime Piece was a great opportunity I had that actually put me in the game and now being a Fleet Model sheesh that is like the best thing there is no reason for me not to blow and make it where I want to go and beyond unless I slack...I love it :)
UVB: Word around the blogosphere is you along side fellow fleet models Shay Bangaa, Modest Jones, Miss diva, K Sweets, Heaven Leigh, Carmen Nicole, Apples, Adassa Styles, Ms. Jerzi, Nicole Mitchell, The All American Dream Girl, Eboni Jewelz, Desana, Crystal Unique and lots more co-host a radio show on Wild radio. Tell us what the show all about?
Candi: Lol yes basically this beautiful team of ladies each week 2 of us host the show every week we have a new topic where fans can call in give their thoughts as well chat with us live on web cam...BTW might I add I am so happy to be alongside these beautiful down to earth ladies :)
UVB: Your body is a true definition of an urban vixen...got lovely legs and a bit of that ghetto bubble, back drop booty to go with it. How do you sculpt your body into shape, do you hit the gym or you just have the sexiest natural mix of genes?
Candi: Lol y thank you I have started working out and drinking more water trying to watch what I eat but i am blessed :)
UVB: Some models tend to do breathing exercises, some just go on a lighter diet meal course weeks before the shoot and some others just tone up, get sexy, confident, fierce and just kill the shoot. How do you get prepared for a shoot, do you have sorta like a ritual you do before a shoot or it just comes all naturally?
Candi: I actually practice forever like poses facial expressions so forth because its either go hard or go home right now so I do that as well starting to work out harder

UVB: You have been seen on the cover of Splurge magazine, featured on Stiletto talk
magazine, mxy magazine, Truth Dvd magazine, nominated model of the year 2010 Carolina Music Awards, host for S.M.I.L.E, R & B Night at Metro lounge and Wet Juice box stripper bash, Video appearances on Cast A Ways music video Puff Puff pass, Savion Saddam's music video Stop trippin, Lethal's music video My girl and has also been seen on Big Tyme TV. Tell us other projects you have been a part of that i forgot to include?
Candi: I have been apart of numerous local shows and videos with Ike and Shyst as well working on a lot more major things now but will keep that cat in the bag lol
UVB: What future projects should your fans be on a look out for?
Candi: Well I don't want to jinx myself so all I will say is make sure you follow me
@therealeyecandi add me on FB Tanieka Eyecandi Like my Fanpage on FB Eyecandi Fanclub to stay informed ohhhh sorry one thing I will say is Fleet Models Calendar :)
UVB: Where can the readers find you online? And where can your fans get previous copies of your work?
Candi: Haha Facebook Twitter mostly well nothing in print as of yet but all over the
UVB: For bookings, special appearances, casting and photoshoots how can you be contacted?
Candi: therealeyecandi@gmail.com
UVB: Final words to fans?
Candi: Yes!! Thank you so much for all your love and support i greatly appreciate it yall rock #teameyecandi
Thanks again for creating time to do this with us, had an awesome time. Make sure y'all go support Candi on her facebook page and follow on twitter to get more updates.
Interview done by Dani Reid
Images courtesy of Derrick Clegg
For more inquiries, features and submissions contact us on urbanvixenzblogzine@yahoo.com