Urban Vixenz Blogzine - Hot source for sexy eyecandy dimes, glamour models and exotic vixens. Including features, interviews and more.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Artist Spotlight | Brandon Todd

Brandon Todd is an hip hop artist born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. Son of Bridget and Michael Todd.
Growing up in NYC, i've seen a lot through a child's eye, but smart enough to stray away from negative influences. I was your typical kid growing in the apple, played on the block and in the local parks and video games.
What music means to me, it means everything to me. I can't live without it, music is a drug i feel like, addictive and can be very powerful if used correctly. Music to me is a release of emotions in its purest and most creative form i'd say, next to dance.
I always toyed with the idea of being a rapper, from beating on tables in school and rapping with friends came my pursuit for rap as a career, and around 2009 was when i officially said okay i want to pursue rap as a career - Brandon Todd.
Currently out with 3 singles from his debut mixtape titled "3". You can catch up with more updates on Brandon Todd on facebook via B.Todd and on twitter @_BTodd
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