813 stand up!!! Hi Folks, today we are gonna introduce you to Nali. Exotic eyecandy model fresh outta Tampa Bay Florida, she's fun, energetic has been in the game for 5 years on and off. Word is she definitelly gonna be putting in more work now. So we caught up with her and took sometime to quiz her a little bit and here is what she had to say...

UVB: Tell us about yourself? Where are you from originally? And what was it like growing up in your neighborhood?
Nali: Whats up everyone im Nali im from Tampa Bay, FL home of the ughh nothing haha just kidding; i love it here its great!! Well im originally from a little town by Miami which i hate honestly, everyone knows everyone & talks about each other; well growing up wasn’t easy I had it a bit rough but hey what can I say its apart of life right?!
UVB: What inspired you into modeling? And how did you get started in the urban modeling industry?
Nali: Well I have a good friend from San Antonio TX who started modeling a few yrs ago, we started off with shows & events here & there nothing major. She started doing it & blew up; her name is Claudia G check her out shes awesome!! & well I ended up moving back to Fl & met my now good friend Alex Tirado he's great he's the one who discovered my bathroom photoshoots lol eventually he got me into doing shoots; saw potential & here I am now thanks to him LOVE YOU ALEX!!!
UVB : How long have you been modeling? What was your experience like on your first shoot?Nali: Off & On about 5 yrs but mainly off lol im here to stay now tho… well my first shoot ever was with claudia omg it was nerve wrecking being that I never done it before but she helped a lot; I pulled thru & at the end of the day we had fun with it had drinks, I got squirt in the face by the self cleaning pool cleaner omg that was so funny; but over all it was fun its all a good memory now.
UVB: Laughs, that most have been fun...People tend to believe modeling is just way to easy, taking shots and getting published. But they never really know the preparations, networking and work been put into it. Can you tell us some challenges you have come across?
Nali: It really is much more then that its hard work, I mean not only for the model but for the photographer as well many decisions that need to be made, you have to come to an agreement with everyone else your working with put your ideas together until finally everyone on the same pg. & even after the final touch its still hard work because what you think at the moment may be a good idea or may look good it may not be for others.
UVB: The biggest misconception about me is...?
Nali: Im mean; only because im a little to honest what can I say im not the type to bite my tongue.

UVB: Whats one thing you cant go through the day without?
Nali: OMG my phone I have a samsung vibrant & let me tell you I love technology cause of my baby; this phone really put the big black one from the 90’s on hold lol.
UVB: Whats the first impression/thing men or women compliment you for when your strutting your booty down the streets? What part of your body gets more attention from guys?
Nali: The main thing is my dimples people have actually stopped me to try & touch them its so weird. Also my tattoos they attract A LOT of attention people always want to know the meanings, how many I have, etc. other then that my eyes; smile; & I have been told my butt but really?! lol I don’t see it!
UVB: When you not in front of the cameras, lights and actions...what do you do?
Nali: I spend a lot of time at home im not much of the type to be out & about I mean do go out on occasion but it isnt a hobby for me…I also try to keep myself busy with school or work I maintain my focus! Now; don’t go thinkin im a boring person cause trust im far from it lol im always up to something crazy as people say “up to no good” lol, im a very happy person, always laughing, very random & goofy!
UVB: I got ah fetish for models with hard bodies, sexy tats and inks. Supposing i was tryna get with you, how do i get your attention?
Nali: Just be you; the real you & leave all the craziness at the door & if you don’t want to you can go that way lol.
UVB: What features do you find attractive in a guy? What turns you on and off?
Nali: Smile, eyes, the way a man carries himself & dresses he has to be clean cut; have style & has to smell good. Turn offs: B.O, immaturity, stalker crazy tendacies, jealousy there's no need for it lol trust.

UVB: Do you consider yourself a sexual person? And whats your sexual weak spot?
Nali: Yes; I do but I can contain myself, my weak spots would have to be the back of my neck & lower back.
UVB: Whats the most special thing a guy has done to try to win you over?
Nali: Lol omg he just never went away he bothered me till I gave in lol im kidding nothin major he was always very good to me; did & said little things here & there that made me smile, he always took note on what I liked & surprised me with it from time to time, bought me simple little things like single roses, cards, a puppy (awww I miss my Jada) all those little things meant alot
UVB: Whats your guilty pleasure you cant live without?
Nali: JUNK FOOD!!!
UVB: Is you single or taken? If taken how does your man handle the drama you get from modeling? And if not how would you react supposing you was dating someone who couldnt deal with all that?
Nali:I have a man, hes very supportive & we don’t let drama get to us modeling is a job so we have that line set where we don’t mix business into our relationship.
UVB: Truth or dare? When it comes to sex, do you like to be in control or taken control of?
Nali: Ohhh mann!!! Taken control of lol please don’t tell me what to do just make me do it!!

UVB: You got a stunning body and build, do you hit the gym or is it all in the genes?
Nali: Gym? Whats that!! Lol well for the most part yes its in the genes but I also watch myself on what I eat & drink, I try to stay away from certain foods & I limit the amount of food I eat.
UVB : Would you be open to do Playboy, hustler mag, xxl mag style nude shoots?
Nali: Honestly I don’t know im not goin to say yes & im not gonna say no cause I don’t know
UVB: Some athletes do breathing exercises before the game, some people take a 5 hour energy drink before the meeting? How do you get ready for a big shoot? Is there a special ritual you have?
UVB: What projects have you been a part of? And what should your fans be on a look for?
Nali: Theres an upcoming calendar coming out soon but like I said earlier nothing major being that I been in & out with modeling but you guys can keep look out for magazine features, events, video interviews etc. ill also be on tour with a friend soon & ill be hosting with others during his performances
UVB: Where can your fans and the readers find you online?
Nali: http://twitter.com/MsNaliBella
UVB: Final word to fans?
Nali: Thank you everyone for being very supportive & for not only being a fan but also a friend (well some lol) I really appreciate every single one of you & as for the haters keep hating honey your still makin me famous lol much love…. xoxox Nali

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