Hi folks, today we are featuring Veronica Lavery. This beautiful model is from czech republic and now lives in So Cal, has been modeling in American since 2009. Her pictures are not short from hot!!! We just couldn't resist tracking her down for a few questions, and here is what she had to say...

UVB: Tell us about yourself? Where are you from originally? And what was it like growing up in your neighborhood?
Veronica: I'm originally from the Czech Republic, from a small town in the mountains called Vrchlabí :), where everyone knew everything about everyone :D
UVB: Have you always wanted to be a model? What inspired you into modeling? And how did you get started in the urban modeling industry?
Veronica: I'd never thought about being a model. Before, I thought that all models had to be at least 5'10", very skinny, all natural looking 24/7, with unique facial features. I didn't see any other variations in modeling, I didn't know models could be of different sizes and heights, so I'd never seen myself as potential model material. But I got some offers to do photo shoots in 2009, and I like trying new things so I said yes, and after people saw my photos online, I started getting more and more offers, which after a couple months created a whole modeling portfolio :))
UVB: How long have you been modeling? What has been your biggest eye opener so far since you came into the industry?
Veronica: I started modeling in summer 2009. So even though this is still the time when I can put my pink glasses on and see everything as a naive inexperienced person, I think I've learned a lot since I first stood in front of the camera and all the scamming that's going on on the internet these days has helped me get to know this business even more.
UVB: Whats one thing you can't go through the day without?
Veronica: breakfast :))
UVB: Majority of people see modeling as just taking a couple of shoots and getting
published, and never really know the work that is been put into it. Can you tell us some challenges that you have come across?
Veronica: I think that finding myself was the biggest challenge. I started modeling as an alternative looking model with two toned hair, piercings, tattoos but after a year I decided to go more with the fashion modeling flow. Although I wasn't sure if that was going to work because of my silly tattoos. But it's still ok …so far :))

UVB: When you not in front of the cameras, lights and actions...what do you do?
Veronica: I get bored very easily so I'm trying to keep myself busy. Traveling, exploring, exercising, animals, music, and my boyfriend and family keep me sane :D
UVB: Whats the first impression/thing men or women compliment you for when you strutting your beautiful behind down the streets? What part of your body do men compliment the most?
Veronica: pl on the streets compliment usually my whole body and stare at my face at the same time which is funny :)) but I think my butt and boobs get the most compliments, as well as my bright blue eyes and dimples :D
UVB: Suppose i was trying to get your attention, what part of your body should i compliment more?
Veronica: Every compliment is fine with me if you're being honest ;)
UVB: Whats the most special thing that a guy has done to try to win you over?
Veronica: I think helping me with my homework and helping me write long boring essays for my science classes was the most special and extraordinary thing that guy has done for me :D, everything else seems pretty usual and expectable to me when I think about it :D
UVB: What features do you find attractive in a guy? What turns you on and off?
Veronica: I'm more about the chemistry between us than a certain physical appearance. Guy's great personality, big heart and sense of humor can turn me on maybe more than a perfect body of a black basketball player :D

UVB: Truth or dare? Which would you rather get down with a thug? Nerd? Or just a regular Joe?
Veronica: Depending on the charisma they have, nerds are cute as well as regular Joe's sense of humor :D the best is probably a smart combo of both :D
UVB: When you're in a relationship do you tend to be more aggressive or passive?
Veronica: Hmmm, good question :D
UVB: Are you single or taken? If taken how does your man handle the attention you get from modeling? And if not how would you react supposing you were with someone who couldn't deal with all that?
Veronica: I've dated guys in the past who were not ok with what I was doing, so it didn't work out. I'm happily taken now finally by someone who is being supportive and helpful, jealousy free and respectful. Hopefully this all will last :))
UVB: What are your guilty pleasures you can't live without?
Veronica: All things sweet :))
UVB: sh you have an amazing physique, anybody ever told you that? I bet tons of people have. Is Polish, Slovak and Irish just the perfect mixture of genes or do you hit the gym to main your figure?
Veronica: haha :D thanks :), it hasn't always been like that though. But I'm not even going to the gym, I tried it maybe 6months ago for a month or so, but
didn't like it at all.I work out at home, and it's great. But I'd like to start running and do more cardio than I do now. My equipment and space is starting to feel very limited :D

UVB: Some athletes do breathing exercises before the big game, some people take a 5 hour energy drink before the meeting? How do you get ready for a big shoot? Is there a special ritual you have?
Veronica: Not really.. I sometimes watch what I eat a day or two before a shoot, but other than that nothing, lol
UVB: Would you be open to do shoots for Playboy, Kings Mag, XXL or penthouse Pets?
Veronica: I'm ok with playboy style nudity, no penthouse or hustler style though.
UVB: What projects have you been a part of? And what projects should your fans look for this year?
Veronica: I will have my website up very soon. It should include a Lil' store with some products of me, personal blog, videos… I'll be also moving to So Cal which should give me more opportunities for acting and hosting shows than I've had till now in Northern Cali. So I think this is gonna be good :)
UVB: Where can your fans and readers find you online?
Veronica: My Facebook fan Page called VeroniCA LAvery has the latest updates along with these links below:
and my own www.VeronicaLavery.com is coming soon :)
UVB: Final Words to Fans?
Veronica: I think the time of the real Veronica LaVery is just coming :D So I would definitely like to get them all ready for that :D, And of course I really wanna thank everyone who's being supportive, honest and patient with me :)) , I'm always gonna appreciate your help, honest opinions, ideas, and kind words <3
:* čmuk čmuk :*
Veronica LaVery :)

I LUV Veronica ! SHE is One of the HOTTEST BABES ON THE PLANET !