Hi folks its another beautiful day and its a pleasure to introduce you to one of UKs finest in the entertainment industry Katie Ryan. Katie is the C.E.O of Pink N Black Entertainment, one of the best entertainment firms in the UK. Katie is also a PR consultant, event co-ordinator and she is also into model and talent management. Urban vixenz blogzine caught up with her and requested for a little interview, here is what she had to say...
UVB: First of all i would love to thank you for creating time to do this. How are you?
Katie: I am feeling great at the moment ;-D very busy just how i like to be.
UVB: Tell us about yourself? Where are you from originally? And what was it like growing up in your neighborhood?
Katie: I am originally from a small town called letchworth Garden city in the UK but i live in london now and have been for 6 years, growing up in my area everyone knew each other but it didnt stop us getting up to no good extremely boring area so we had to amuse ourselves which we did ;-)
UVB: What inspired you into taking up event, model/talent management and public relations?
Katie: Another event company called Team Alliance Ent i was attending their events around London and knew it so i spent a year doing events, promotions and expanding my network and knowledge of the UK industry the more i learnt the more i saw how much talent was hidden in the urban industry. Eventually Pink N Black progressed, so PR and management so i could support and showcase these talents to everyone i spent 2010 working on the PR/Management side of things and now work with a large selection of people from different sides of the industry. Everyday my clients and the talents around me inspire me to do better and keep striving for more.
UVB: How long have you been doing this?
Katie: I started Pink N Black Entertainment in January 2009 so two years and the PR side of things for a year.
UVB: When your not organizing events or scheduling appointments...what do you do?
Katie: I tweet loool i do a range of different things on a daily basis, design work for my clients, press packs, promotions, website updates, client development, photo-shoot, press release, research, meetings and if you could see my email inbox i send and receive 100s of emails daily its a never ending list i work 24/7 unless i am sleeping i am working on something for Pink N Black and my clients. I also have to tweet from a lot of different pages on behalf of my clients because of the range of clientele i have to network and contact people from all over the industry and keep on top of a variety of different things it can be hard at times but also its great fun.
UVB: Are you single or taken?
Katie: I am single :-)
UVB: What are your guilty pleasures you cant live without?
Katie: To be honest i couldnt live without Redbull or my blackberry its glued to me always.

UVB: Truth or dare? What are your wildest fantasies?
Katie: LOOOL I want a dare ;-) erm it involves 50cent loool.
UVB: People could easily mistake event promotions and talent management as a two way street, where all you do is just make contacts and schedule appointments. And never really know the work put into it. Can you tell us some of the challenges you have come across?
Katie: I wished it was that easy! I come across new challenges everyday my biggest challenge is time and having enough of it but also i am selling or showcasing a product or brand its hard to get people to believe in that the same way i do and when you get a lot of no's or no answer at all it can really get you down so i have to keep the moral levels high for myself and clients. Amongst that you always have people that have something negative to say about what your doing so i have to face that head on. I am irish so my temperament is very low and sometimes i have to hold it in so i dont look unprofessional. I am very organized though which is key to overcome some challenges. I email myself a to do list daily and i work to get it done which helps.
UVB: When was Pink N Black entertainment born? What is Pink N Black all about?
Katie: Pink N Black entertainment was born on 6th of January 2009 its a UK based entertainment company that covers PR management/ Business PR/ Model Management/ Artist management/ DJ Management/ Booking agents/ Events co-ordination/ Events Promotions/ Designs - currently we work with a selection of different people/companies across the industry.
Sasha Shantel UK Model - Management
Salena Lima UK Model - Management
Stacey Hewson UK Model - PR Management
Lethal Movie - PR
Celebrity sex pest TV Show - PR Management
In-spireLS magazine - PR Management
Emonie Producer - PR Management
DJ Bigkid - PR Management/ Booking agent
Leonie Moses Actress - PR Management
Andre kianz Actor - PR Management
I hope i didnt miss anyone :-/ i also have a few more clients that are in the pipeline or havent been announced yet but i am sure you will see alot from them in the next coming months.
UVB: I would say 2010 was great for Team Pink N Black, Sasha Shantel getting endorsements from Baby Phat clothing & Applebottoms, Salena Lima getting published on the issue 5 release of Candy Mag UK and Nuts magazine. Can you tell us your goal for this year?
Katie: 2010 was a strange year for Pink N Black and a hard one. Amazingly i only started working with both Salena Lima and Sasha Shantel at the end of the year and the achievements and progress of both models is amazing - Whats coming so much is coming from Pink N Black and these two models both have websites launching in the next coming months alot of photo-shoots and we are working on different projects for both models i dont want to say too much ;-) but recently Sasha got another Sponsporship with Sleek Hair which is fantastic :-D. Also i have a new monthly event called Team UK Talents and a new model competition starting at the end of February called UK Model Unsigned which is replacing facebook model competition. Expect alot to come out from all my clients in 2011 we are working on some amazing projects with amazing clients its really exciting at the moment. My main goal for the year is to ensure that everyone i work with succeeds in what they want to do and ensure that Pink N Black Ent keeps expanding. Also its time to go to america and work over there thats in the pipelines too/ i want to visit there at least 3 times this year for work reasons.
UVB: I heard alot of buzz about the facebook model competition 2010 and how awesome it was. Am betting Team UK Talent coming up Jan, 31st would be even more electrifying. Can you give us a little sneak peek of what its gonna be like?
Katie: Team UK talents is going to be amazing the first showcase has a massive amount of talent showcasing themselves; i am very excited for this event on a whole as its about supporting all great talents in the UK its had a massive amount of interest considering its the first event - You can expect some amazing live music from 17 different artists all different genres, clothing stalls, comedians and we even have someone coming down to do nails / its hosted by Miss London who is a successful comedian in the UK and presents for a major childrens channel so expect a lot of laughter its going to be a crossed networking event so hopefully everyone involved and that comes down will make a lot of contacts and have a great night :-D. The event is sponspored by an online magazine in-spireLS magazine which is fitting as its a magazine based on positivity and they interview and feature some fantastic talents in their wonder women and supermen sections http://inspireLSmagazine.co.uk
UVB: Where can readers get more updates on the Team UK Talents and where can you be found online?
Katie: Updates of the Team UK talents always go on my website news section also if on twitter pages here is the links
Those are the main ones if you go on to any of them twitter accounts or my site you will find all the accounts of all my clients too/ as they are always in my time line.
UVB: Final words to the readers and the undiscovered talents out there who might want to join?
Katie: Firstly thank you so much for a great interview / - i would also like to thank everyone that continues to support Pink N Black and my clients.
My advice to anyone upcoming or in the industry the best thing you can do is keep going no matter what happens take the good with the bad and the bad with the good because its never going to always be perfect and if your looking for support make sure your supporting others. What you give you get back.
If you are looking to join Pink N Black Ent contact Kira who is my partner in the business on kira@pinkandblackevents.com with full bio a couple of images and what your looking for.