Urban vixenz blogzine features this sexy eyecandy Caitlin Cupcake. Caitlin is an actress, she has made some special appearances on the screen like VH1 Rock of love 3 promo commercial, MTV Bromance Episode 1, MTV music video "Driven" with Bret Michaels, Entourage season 7/Episode 9, Nascar Commercial 2010 (Michael Wolf - director), Mr Sunshine starring Matthew Perry and more. Caitlin is also a socialite, dancer and model, she has been on print on DUB Magazine, in Retro motorsports 2010 calendar, Studio 215 Pin Up 2010 calendar and has also modelled for RSZT Clothing. We caught up with Caitlin and went in on some Q&A with her, read more to see what makes this model so special...

UVB: How did you come about modeling?
Caitlin: I started modeling when i was 16 years old for different catalogs. It was fun hobby and i got free clothing so i loved it.
UVB: How long have you been modeling?
Caitlin: For 10 years.
UVB: What has been the biggest eye opener about modeling you have learned since you got into the industry?
Caitlin: Mostly how many girls will do anything to get into modeling. So many people will try and exploit girls who never had a chance to start with. It's really sad .
UVB: Tell us a little about your gogo dancing career?
Caitlin: I love to dance, i have been dancing since i was 17. Its a great hobby and keeps me in great shape.
UVB: How do you cope with gogo dancing and modeling? Ever had a day when both schedules clashed against each other?
Caitlin: My schedule has never clashed, gogo dancing is done from 10 pm on and modeling is usually in early daytime.

UVB: Who is the most favorite person you worked with?
Caitlin: My favorite person that i have worked with has been my gogo partner in crime Lauren Manual. She has a great energy about her and keeps me pumped up.
UVB: Whats one thing you couldn't go through the day without?
Caitlin: My cell phone! Ahh i feel lost without it.
UVB: What's your typical day like? And what do you do in your spare time?
Caitlin: A typical day is work for me. I usually have a modeling gig during the day, and then i head off to my dance studio. I own a womens dance and fitness studio called HIDDEN TALENTS, located in Huntington beach, CA. After teaching some pole dance or burlesque classes i often am booked at night at the night club to gogo dance. When i do get a day off i lay in bed all day :)
UVB: How would you describe your looks?
Caitlin: I think i am the girl next door type for sure.
UVB: What are your turn ons and turn offs?
Caitlin: Bad breathe, bad odour is a huge turn off. Also cocky attitudes and tattoos. Turn ons are definately a level head, business mind, and a matter of mellow personality.

UVB: Are you single or taken, if taken how does your man handle the attention you receive from modeling? And if not how would you react supposing you were dating someone who couldn't deal with all that?
Caitlin: I am taken by a great guy who understands the business very well.
UVB: Bedroom turn ons? Any juicy details you had like to share?
Caitlin: Hmmmm....i don't kiss and tell :)
UVB: Lol, could you possibly be with someone who can take care of you financially but not sexually?
Caitlin: Neither of those are as important to me as emotionally. I have plenty of money so that's not a worry. Someone being there and being supportive is a far bigger thing in my book.
UVB: Does size matter or is the stroke better?
Caitlin: Hahaha size doesn't matter, its how you work what you got!
UVB: What's your opinion about artistic and implied nude? Kinky or scratch off my to do list?
Caitlin: I think the human body is art, and anything done tastefully is amazing.
UVB: What genre(s) of modeling appeal to you most?
Caitlin: Mostly glamour, considering i am short i would never be a fashion model.
UVB: What has been your best and worst experience so far in your modeling career and gogo dancing?
Caitlin: The best experience gogo dancing is probably all of the big concerts i have done and the friends i have made. The worst is when i gogo dance at 18 and older clubs and get dirty looks from young girls who don't get it. Just because i am dancing in a bikini on a box does NOT mean i am after your man lol.
UVB: What has been your favorite highlights in your modeling career?
Caitlin: Working with Bret Michaels. We did a rad shoot on a chopper.
UVB: What projects are you currently working on?
Caitlin: Right now i am booked solid for the next 2 months on all types of random tv and modeling gigs. Also my dance studio is expanding soon so i will be busy with that as well!
UVB: What to expect from you in the future?
Caitlin: Only amazing things :)
UVB: Where can the readers find you online?
Caitlin: You can find me on this links below
Official website
UVB: Final words to your fans?
Caitlin: You are all so supportive, thank you :) Bookings: longbeachcaitlin@yahoo.com